4 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia (Lab Tested)


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4 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia (Lab Tested)

A four Mukhi have four lines (Mukhas) on its surface. The ruling deity of this Rudraksha is Lord Brahma and Saraswati. Lord Brahma, who is the creator of universe as well as the bestowed of knowledge and creativity. A Four Mukhi Rudraksha bead increases the power of original thinking, knowledge, learning and creativity. Wearing four mukhi Rudraksha constantly upgrade the mental setup.


Advantages of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia (Lab Tested) are :-

  1. Students who wear this Rudraksha are able to do better in their studies due to increased memory power and concentration.
  2. This Rudraksha removes excess sleeps, laziness and problem of unwanted dreams.
  3.  Wearing this helps to reduce mental problems.
  4. As per Ancient Vedic Texts, a Four Mukhi Rudraksha is also very effective if a person is suffering from the Problem of Stammering.
  5. The wearer of this Rudraksha attains firmness and mental strength and doesn’t accept his defeat easily.
  6. This Rudraksha helps the wearer in attaining a growing sense of individuality, self-esteem, and creativity.
  7. It increases the concentration of the wearer and in turn, helps in meditation and spiritual Sadhana.
  8. The wearer becomes organized and systematic in his/her thinking, expression, communication and behavior.
  9. It helps in regulating the functioning of the thyroid gland and helps in improving immunity.

Who should wear 4 mukhi rudraksha indonesia (Lab Tested) ?

This Rudraksha is most beneficial for students, scientists, executives and all those people who are in computers, Electronics and Communication Profile.


4 Mukhi Rudraksha indonesia (Lab Tested) Mantra

“Om Hreem Namaha ”


How to wear 4 mukhi rudraksha indonesia (Lab Tested)

  1.  It can be kept in the place of worship or Pooja place of house.
  2.  It can be worn as a Pendant or locket.


Ruling Planet of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia (Lab Tested)

Planet Mercury


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